Верный Капитал - лидер частных инвестиций в Казахстане

«‎Верный Капитал» помогает компаниям в привлечении финансирования и управлении рисками, а так же во внедрении лучших практик корпоративного управления и финансовой отчетности


Талгат Куанышев возглавил АО «ForteBank»

«Верный Капитал» заключил соглашение с фондом «Әділдік және Өркендеу» по медиахолдингу «31»

Наши партнеры

Marriott International
Marriott International

Lazzat Borankulova

Executive Director

Responsible for management of the investment portfolio of the company and the Group’s investmentstrategy, oversees company’s assets in the telecommunications and financial sector.Prior to this, Lazzat was member of the Supervisory Board of Samruk-Kazyna Invest LLP and lead thestrategy development and investment strategy execution directions of Samruk Kazyna Fund.Lazzat has experience in business planning, asset management and restructuring.
She has degrees from KIMEP University (MBA), Manchester Business School (Master’s degree in Finance) and Harvard Business School (Executive AMP).

Lazzat Borankulova

Executive Director

Responsible for management of the investment portfolio of the company and the Group’s investmentstrategy, oversees company’s assets in the telecommunications and financial sector.Prior to this, Lazzat was member of the Supervisory Board of Samruk-Kazyna Invest LLP and lead thestrategy development and investment strategy execution directions of Samruk Kazyna Fund.Lazzat has experience in business planning, asset management and restructuring.
She has degrees from KIMEP University (MBA), Manchester Business School (Master’s degree in Finance) and Harvard Business School (Executive AMP).