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Competitiveness of higher education in Kazakhstan

The key points of Erlan Ospanov:

Loss of students is evidently associated with uncompetitive universities in our country. Our universities are not able to offer the similar product as the leading educational institutions in the US and Europe. That’s just because they are bound by hand and foot by the government.

Even the draft law on academic freedoms that now is under consideration of the Mazhilis, does not grant freedom to higher educational institutions in full. For example, a state diploma is, in fact, a state guarantee for education quality. It means that a university should not make serious efforts to improve quality of education. If you have a diploma, it is enough. Abolition of diplomas of the government-approved format will serve as a serious impulse for development of competition between universities, and then we will get know a real prize of a diploma.

If we consider experience of the countries such as the United States, then we see that selection of students for grants starts from olympiads within the special subjects, and the educational institutions are that who issue the grants. Is the Kazakhstan system of grant allocation based on UNT estimates fair? I do not think so: because UNT is used in a form, when we evaluate graduates basing only on their knowledge but not on their competencies that they should have been learned at school.

Full version of the Round Table:

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