The project allows reducing the level of air pollution by industrial dust with the help of phytocapture.
Modern gold mining technologies allow minimizing the environmental impact of production process. It is especially valuable when innovative technologies developed in Kazakhstan help to take care of nature. As part of one of its programs to reduce environmental impact, the Kazakh company RG Gold is implementing an innovative project to create phytovegetational barriers based on research by Narxoz University.
“Our scientific innovation in the field of natural solutions is aimed at using natural resources to protect, manage and restore ecosystems affected by human activity. Phytocapture is an innovative solution, as it is developed on the basis of methodology aimed at minimizing the negative impact of air pollution on public health using green technologies. This work has a global application,” – said Dr. Brendan Duprey.
It was under the guidance of Dr. Duprey that the phytovegetational barrier created using the ENVI-Met program was modeled. This method makes it possible to reduce the level of air pollution with industrial dust through scientifically-based planting of trees and shrubs – so the air is maximally filtered from toxic substances emitted by industrial enterprises and motor vehicles. The Companys uses 3D computer modeling that takes into account the level of air pollution, selects the types of plants to be planted and calculates the distance to the source of pollution. Other factors that maximize the efficiency of the phytocapture process are also taken into account.
Three potential sites for placement of phytovegetative barriers have already been identified at Raygorodok deposit being developed by RG Gold. In selecting the place, the Company took into account the need to both minimize the volume of industrial dust and create benefits for people – by improving air quality and overall quality of life while working at the deposit according to all the requirements of sanitary zone. The project is expected to be implemented within several years, in total, more than 38 000 vegetation units will be planted.
“The scale of our business is growing every year, and at the same time our responsibility and commitment to meet high standards in the field of sustainable development of the company, including environmental protection and improving the well-being of the region, is growing. To date, we are implementing various projects that reduce the impact of production factors and effectively use natural resources. The Phytovegetation Barriers Program is one of such unique projects aimed at achieving our sustainable development goal as part of our long–term ESG program,” – says Lawrence Rossou, CEO of RG Gold.
Earlier, the Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents of the Economic Commission for Europe, one of the five UN regional commissions, paid special attention to the project of Institute for Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan at Narxoz University. During the expert meeting, the scientific development was recognized as one of the best for preventing environmental pollution.